Saturday, 30 October 2010


Two sauspans - tea strainers - one to other while melting. Alum Or ss
Layer of rain water - help settle detritus heat gently stir
Powder wax dye
Pour into moulds / tubs with tapered sides. Water again to grab waste
& then tip out.
Dust , pollen, propolis, other debris.
Be patient!
Solar wax extractor - base sheet aluminum/wooden frame plus double
glazed top. Wax runs down to collect at bottom of slope. Angled
towards sun.

Wax discolueres with constant heat - choc colour. Have drip tray in

Candle moulds.

Latex from modle shop painted on - use for up to 10 then deteriate.

Glass mould - very hot tea towelk wrap round mould - should come out.

Beware purchased moulds - may have bee made for parafin wax . Bee's
wax needs thicket wick. Red: zinc wick from Thornes.

Silicon spray in mould or Pyrex bowl & washing up liquid. Check bowl
is totally smooth & fault free. One drop of inscrnted wu liquid - rub
with finger around surface until dry.

Or stainless steel bowl - no lubrication needed.

Silicon white moulds best. Rubberbnd around split but needs surround
cut from plastic bottle thereby making stand for bottim of wick to
stand free. Top - use peg to hold wick square.

Use model putti or blutac to seal bottom of wick hole.

Use pet food tin - form spout with pliers and fix handle to interior

Flatten wick at bottom of mould to reduce leakage.

Candle wick is plaited not twisted like string so burns better.

Or dip candle wick in hot was before placing in roll or candle mould.
Stifness helps formation.

Leave 20 mind plus in mould before unwrap.

Sent from My iPod

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Reminder regarding the rules about pruning trees within a CONSERVATION AREA - Langford and Ulting Parish's

regarding the rules about pruning trees within a CONSERVATION AREA 
Langford and Ulting Parish's

In a Conservation Area, any works to trees measuring 75mm or over diameter at 1.5m from the ground require 6 weeks prior notification to us before they are carried out, we would then consult the Parish/Town council concerned for their comments.

Rules regarding trees and development depend largely on what conditions have been applied to the planning permission.  If there are trees on site to be retained we always refer developers to BS5837:2005 'Trees in Relation to Construction - Recommendations' which is the current British standard they are required to follow.  In addition to this, you should know that Planning permission over-rides tree protection by TPO or conservation area.  Developers are allowed to remove or prune any tree that is in the way of them carrying out works that have planning permission.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Woodland at a 250 Year peak due to tax breaks

British woodland has returned to the levels of the 1750s with tree cover having more than doubled since the end of the First World War, a United Nations report has shown.


Woodland in Britain now stands at 11,200 square miles, 11.8% of the total land area.


The growth, attributed in part to the boom because of tax breaks, could even reach the 15% of woodland recorded in England by the Doomsday Book in 1086!